Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Today there is a man in Britain who weighs 70 stones. There is a picture of him on a national news website, taken when he weighed 50 stones. At 50 stones the man didn't make the decision to get smaller. No, in effect, he made the opposite decision, to get bigger. He got 20 stones bigger.

There will be people who will argue that the act of 'not stopping' is not in anyway the same as proactively gaining as much weight as possible. They will say that the man didn't WANT to get bigger. The fact is the outcome is the same.

Thankfully to be 70 stone is to be a rare human being. Thankfully, because it isn't healthy to be housebound by one's own bulk and I'd lay odds that the man concerned would have lead a more fulfilled and happier existence if, when he'd got to 50 stones, he'd decided to stop the weight gaining lifestyle and tried anything to change.

Imagine if things had gone the other way for him? He'd be 30 stones now and no doubt looking forward to being even lighter because his view of himself would have completely turned around.

Is it really that simple? I believe it is.

Many people make the decision to lose weight, they see the benefits, they even lose some weight, but they give up, lose faith in themselves and comfort eat their way to oblivion. Why? Because the change needs to take place not just in your eating habits but in your thinking habits.

If you're not changing something, you're almost certainly getting the same results as you have always had.

If you've been fat for a long time, you're an expert at getting fat. Consider the idea that you can become an expert at being thinner.

When you recognise that you are controlling yourself; Even if you're allowing everything in your life to drift,(you have on a very deep level, made that choice.)You realise it's all down to what you really want to make happen.

It's a domino effect. Thinking about HOW you are creating your bulk,(I eat lots of fried food and I never exercise,) you can work out WHY you're doing it. What does it do for you? What would you accept as an alternative way of living?

You can decide if you are emotionally ready and willing to be thinner and lighter and you can choose to make any changes necessary to become the size you want to be.

Taking control of your own thinking might seem a strange starting point for weight loss, but realising that it really is 'that simple' could be the 'light bulb' moment where you start to move forward with your life. Give yourself the opportunity to look back at a pivotal point of positive change and not a life filled with might have beens...

If you want more information on changing your weight go to www.fatladsreformclub.com

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